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Case Studies

Don't Be A Little Pitch

"Don't Be a Little Pitch" is a rapidly growing PR agency known for its creative and out-of-the-box campaigns. With a team size expected to double, the agency faced challenges in maintaining consistent employee engagement and performance management as it scaled. 


April 2024


As the agency expanded, it recognized the need to enhance employee engagement and streamline performance management to sustain its creative momentum. To continue delivering top-tier campaigns, they sought to improve communication, set clear expectations, and ensure structured feedback was in place.

What We Did

  • Pulse Checks:

    • Implemented regular pulse checks to gather real-time data on employee satisfaction and pinpoint areas of concern.

    • Analyzed the data to provide actionable insights, enabling leadership to address issues before they escalated.


  • Performance Management Process:

    • Developed a comprehensive performance management framework including goal-setting, regular 1:1 check-ins, and structured feedback loops.

    • Trained managers on how to effectively implement and sustain the framework, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


  • Integration with Current Systems:

    • Seamlessly integrated the new performance management and pulse check processes into the agency's existing tools and workflows.

    • Customized the system to align with the agency's unique culture, minimizing disruption while maximizing adoption and effectiveness.


  • 25% Increase in Engagement: Employee engagement scores improved within six months, as reflected in pulse checks.


  • 20% Boost in Productivity: The structured performance management process led to more consistent meeting of deadlines and overall productivity.


  • Improved Communication: The agency saw better collaboration and communication, resulting in more creative and effective campaigns.

Excel Kits

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July 2024


Excel Kits, a small software development company, was gearing up for a major project involving the release of a new product. With the need to onboard a new team quickly to meet project deadlines, the company faced challenges in recruiting, hiring, and establishing an effective onboarding process. They sought a solution to streamline these processes and ensure a smooth start for their new team members

What We Did

  • Recruitment and Hiring Strategy: We worked with Excel Kits to develop a tailored recruitment strategy that aligned with their project needs. This included refining job descriptions, utilizing targeted job boards, and implementing a structured interview process to identify the best candidates.


  • Onboarding Process Design: We designed a comprehensive onboarding process to integrate new hires seamlessly. This included creating detailed onboarding schedules, preparing training materials, and setting up mentorship programs to help new team members acclimate quickly.


  • Strategic Partnerships: We established strategic partnerships with local educational institutions to create a talent pipeline for Excel Kits. By collaborating with schools and universities, we helped the company connect with emerging talent and streamline its recruitment process.


  • Accelerated Team Integration: The new onboarding process allowed Excel Kits to integrate their new team members swiftly and effectively, ensuring they could start working on the new product with minimal delay.


  • Improved Recruitment Efficiency: The tailored recruitment strategy led to a faster hiring process and better alignment between candidates' skills and the company's needs.


  • Enhanced Team Performance: With a well-structured onboarding process and clear expectations, new hires were quickly aligned with the company's goals, leading to improved productivity and faster progress on the product release.

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