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Keep Your Best People

We help businesses improve work culture, engage employees, and retain top talent with customized solutions for performance, recognition, and development.

It takes less than a minute

QuokkaHub Employee Engagement

Our Collaborations

Meet Quokka Hub

Your Workplace Culture Transformation Partner

Quokka Hub is dedicated to empowering small companies to create thriving workplace cultures. With a focus on collaboration and customized strategies, we are committed to helping you build a cohesive, motivated, and high-performing workforce.

Michael Franco

Team Alignment 

We optimize your people processes, from enhancing workplace culture to boosting employee engagement and retention.

What Motivates your team?

Enable your employees to self-engage with their own progress and drive results.

How to keep your best?

Bring in the best people, keep them engaged, and ensure they’re performing at their peak.

What makes them perform?

Discover the key drivers that fuel your team’s performance to ensure they are thriving.

Claim your FREE Assesment

It takes less than a minute

How We Work


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What Are Your Business Needs?
  • Initial Consultation: We start by having an in-depth conversation with you to understand your company's specific challenges and goals.

  • Pulse Check Survey: A detailed pulse check is sent to your staff to gather insights on areas of improvement.

  • Analysis & Identification: We analyze the survey results to identify key areas that need attention, ensuring our focus aligns with your business objectives.


Custom designed solutions
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  • Custom Improvement Plan: We craft a tailored strategy that directly addresses the issues identified, ensuring it’s aligned with your business goals.

  • Integration with Existing Systems: We incorporate our solutions into the tools and systems you’re already using, minimizing disruption and maximizing effectiveness.

  • Continuous Monitoring: We track the plan's effectiveness through regular data collection and analysis, making necessary adjustments.


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Continuous Support
  • Leadership Guidance: We provide ongoing support to your leadership team, helping them to navigate challenges and lead with clarity and purpose.

  • Strategic Adjustments: As your needs evolve, we fine-tune the strategies to keep you on track toward your goals.

  • Ongoing Partnership: We remain engaged, providing continuous support to address challenges and optimize outcomes as your needs evolve.


There is no one solution when working with people, but small steps can make big impacts

Talent Development

Talent Development

Develop your talent pipeline, ensuring your team has the skills and motivation to succeed.

Performance Management

Performance Management

Implement tailored performance management systems that motivate and track progress.

Culture & enagement

Culture & Engagement

Deep dive into your culture to provide actionable insights that drive engagement and retention.

Dont Be A Little Pitch CEO

Bryce, CEO & Founder of Don't Be A Little Pitch

"Quokka Hub's strategy integrated with our systems and the impact was clear right away. We saw better morale, stronger retention, and a people strategy that worked."

- Free Team Engagement Insight Report -

Ready To Get Started?

Case Studies

Insights & Articles

Benefits of an Engaged Workforce

More Profitable 

More productive in sales

Less Likely to Look for a  new job

More likely to stay with a strong L&D program

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